Cooperatives & SACCOSImprove efficiency through digitisationSolve the problem of tedious paperwork that causes errors, increased costs, and difficulty in tracking portfolios.
Simplify repayment tracking, reminders, personalize lending for better collections.
Streamline repayment tracking and reminders for better collections.
Flexible loan management toolsAccess a suite of tools that help you grow your portfolio at an affordable cost. Reach more members or enable existing ones to securely apply for a loan without visiting your physical location.
Automated trackingEliminate difficulties associated with manual tracking or reconciling repayments. Loan records are organized using different parameters, making it easy to find relevant information.
Increase collection rateSet up automated SMS or email reminders to members, reminding them of upcoming repayment. Access an intuitive dashboard that displays upcoming, due or overdue loans, ensuring that no collection is missed.
Precisely Calculate Optimal Member LoansAvoid over-lending to members who may struggle to repay. Easily retrieve and analyze members' bank statements directly from their banks or use their savings data to determine the appropriate lending amount.
Secure Cloud storage for your recordsManage all savings and loans on a platform that keeps your records safe, preventing loss or unauthorized access. Records are easily accessible from any device, using the same login information used during account creation.
Increase efficiency and easy reconciliationEliminate the stress of manual calculations. All calculations, reconciliations, and tracking are automated, providing you with comprehensive information about inflows, outflows, loans, savings, and more through interactive tables, charts, and dashboards.
Promote trust and transparencyGive members real-time access to their account information. Members can log in to view their savings, withdrawals, transaction history, and other account details without contacting you.For loans, members have a borrower portal containing information about their loan, such as amount repaid and outstanding balance. From the portal, they can easily submit another loan request.Tracking and accountability simplified. Cooperative executives have full access to the cooperative's account, where they can see total funds received, all disbursements, loan repayments, and more.
Build trust, get digitized.
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